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React Native is framework for building mobile apps with Javascript (or TypeScript) and React. It is developed by Meta React Native enables developers to write code once and deploy it across multiple platforms, including iOS and Android, without the need to build separate codebases for each platform.

Comparison to other frameworks

Native Android and IOS

  • Performance (pros)
  • Native look & feel (pros)
  • Security (pros)
  • Different codebase & technologies between platforms (cons)

Hybrid App (Cordova, Phonegap, etc.)

  • Performance (cons)
  • Weak native look and feel (cons)
  • Security (cons)
  • One codebase & technology (pros)

React Native & Google Flutter

  • Performance (pros)
  • Native look and feel (pros)
  • One codebase & technology (pros)
  • Lack of some components (cons) React Native provides possibility to write native code when high performance is needed or some functionalities are missing from React Native.